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12 Easy Money Development

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29 Tudor Development

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34 Success Road Development

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31 Linwood Development

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1 Test Ave Development

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L.W Architecture 是新西兰知名的专业建筑设计事务所,拥有经验丰富的建筑设计师,初级和高级的城市规划师,认真负责的项目经理和坚实稳定的绘图员团队。

设计项目涉及单体住宅,联排住宅, 多层公寓,公共及商业建筑,巨型豪宅以及特色度假别墅。




 L.W Architecture 是一家6 Homestar 的设计公司. 我们既能做6 Homestar 的设计,也资质做 6 Homestar的评估


 L.W Architecture 有兄弟建筑公司Cornell Homes Ltd,可以承建,承包住宅及轻型商业楼房,也是新西兰Masterbuilder协会成员。

With a renowned architecture education and over 20 years of design experience in New Zealand, Luke provides the firm with senior leadership and design talent, specializing in residential and commercial projects. As a Registered Architect of New Zealand and principal of LW Architecture, he plays a leading role in determining the firm’s long-term mission, direction and goals. Luke’s active role in design, business development and marketing has been a driving force in the company’s successes and its emergence as a force in Auckland's architecture and real estate development industry.


出生于中国的Luke,2004年在奥克兰创立 LW Architecture 建筑设计事务所。毕业于大连理工大学建筑设计系,他拥有新西兰注册建筑师证和中国一级注册建筑师证。他利用他丰富的设计,分割和建筑施工经验为公司提供高级领导和设计知识。作为创始人和主持建筑师,他不光从事住宅和商业项目,并且带领团队达到公司的长期方向和目标。

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